杰倫,您早。 |
jié lún nín zǎo |
早,卡卡,您早。 |
zǎo kǎ kǎ nín zǎo |
您好嗎? |
nín hǎo ma |
我很好,謝謝您。 |
wǒ hěn hǎo xiè xie nín |
小碧好嗎? |
xiǎo bì hǎo ma |
她很好,謝謝。 |
tā hěn hǎo xiè xie |
有很長一段時間,國與國之間的關係(國際關係)只著墨於國家和國家、政府和政府、首都和首都之間的研究。今天楊昊老師分享《中越和泰柬邊境情勢分析:國際關係的再省思》,提出了前一天和陳佩修老師再省思的觀點相似,就是往地方去(go local)觀察。去年暑假的時候,我也聽過楊宗澧學長分享在泰柬邊境的經驗,那時候並沒有這個對國際關係的再省思,可能是楊宗澧很像是NGO的人,講得也就是NGO的事,所以不會有如此地再省思。下面分享今天聽楊昊演講的心得:
這學期除了讀了《Chinese among others: emigration in modern times》之外,我還讀了《東南亞多元與發展》,這是翻譯自《Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development》這本書的,也是中華民國九十九學年度第一學期,暨南大學東南亞研究所《現代東南亞研究》使用的教科書。我也在每個章節寫了心得,將連結羅列於下:
這學期上《東南亞華人、社會與文化》,我們被要求閱讀Philip A. Kuhn寫的《Chinese among others: emigration in modern times》的大部分章節,如果你對該書有興趣,本文章最下方有試讀版。我將每一個被要求閱讀的章節寫了心得,依照原書的目錄順序,將每次閱讀心得和摘要的連結羅列如下:
Suggestions for learning or teaching a foreigne language
Learning language could be fun, and I think it highly depends on if you are concentrated on and love in the language you are trying to learn. Most of people in Taiwan are “forced” to take English as first foreigner language, but few of them can really be good at English. I am of the opinion of that they don’t have interesting in the language or the culture. However, they might be excellent in Japanese or other languages. I have following suggestions for learning or teaching a foreign language.
First, as a language learner, you shouldn’t judge or criticize the structure, grammar or even the culture of the language you learn. The pattern of the foreign language is surely strange to people who aren’t familiar with it. If we can be humble and show our respects to any cultures and languages, I believe we can learn any languages we want.
Secondly, the motivation of language learners must be strong. Besides, the language teachers have to make his or her students understand the importance of the language learned while some students are forced to learn a language. If they realize the language are going to be acquired can be used around the world or their favorite countries, they will put all their efforts on learning it. As a language learner by self, they should be convinced by themselves so that they won’t give up learning the language easily.
Thirdly, the way of communication and transportation change evolutionarily, we have much more opportunity then before to learn a language and culture. Living in the global village, we should have no hesitation to acquire a foreign language. You can travel or even work in another country, you also might listen to the radio or watch the movie and TV program broadcasted through Internet or satellite.
Finally, you need to spend time on learning a language. The only thing we need to contribute is your precious time. You might argue that babies don’t spend time but acquire language naturally. However, you should be noticed that babies listen to the conversation from the people around them since they can’t speak. What we should devote to language learning is time.
As a good teacher, we should not put much stress on student. Evaluation, of course, is important for a member of a school system hierarchy. However, the learning will be endless if the students in the school or not. Thus, I think a good teacher can motivate student to keep learning. If we can learn language without pressure and a language teacher support this idea, both of the teacher and students could benefit from each other.
Thanks to the following adjusting from internet friend on plurk: