
大多數語言研究者和教師對於詞彙的關注較少,因為在封閉的系統下,例如:句法和語音,人們是比較容易進行歸納和演繹(Richards, 1976; Laufer, 1986)。但是,比較大學二語學習者的偏誤比例時,卻發現詞彙的偏誤高於語法的3倍到4倍(Meara, 1984)。學習者的詞彙能力和其學術成就有很大相關,特別影響閱讀的表現(Laufer, 1986; Qian, 2002)。Paribakht and Wesche (1996)指出,在以理解為基礎的上所進行的課程,即能夠對學習者的詞彙能力有大大的提升。

Zimmerman (1997)發現只要在課程中進行詞彙相關的活動,學習者對於詞彙學習方法的態度隨之改變。學習者參加10週的課程,每週上課24-25小時,而且進行自選閱讀材料並記錄。實驗組的學生除了每週24-25的正規課程外,還有額外3個小時的詞彙學習課程。

詞彙學習課程的活動相當多樣。例如:詞彙「consume」會進行課堂討論:「Under what circumstances and by whom would each of the following be consumed: three glasses of water, 6 gallons of beer, a ton of fish, a tree, oil, a book, a town」。或者,讓學生去描述圖表,同時要求學生使用相關詞語:consume/1990, consumption/1930/exceeded, consumers/after World War II, continued to consume/in 1965, consuming/ since 1950。再來,可能透過口頭或書面的方式,讓學生表達「What three foods do you think are the most commonly eaten through the world?」




Laufer, B. (1986). Possible changes in attitude towards vocabulary acquisition research. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 24(1), 69.
Meara, P. (1984). The study of lexis in interlanguage. In A. Davies, C. Criper & A. P. R. Howatt (Eds.), Interlanguage. Edinburgh University Press.
Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. (1996). Vocabulary enhancement activities and reading for meaning in second language vocabulary. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Qian, D. D. (2002). Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective. Language learning, 52(3), 513-536.
Richards, J. C. (1976). The role of vocabulary teaching. TESOL quarterly, , 77-89.
Zimmerman, C. B. (1997). Do reading and interactive vocabulary instruction make a difference? An empirical study. Tesol Quarterly, 31(1), 121-140.


在Xanthou (2010) 回顧過往的研究中,其認為使詞彙知識能夠逐步增加的幾個要點:一、激發先前的知識;二、在脈絡下學習;三、對詞彙進行主動地加工、處理;四、多次、反覆的接觸。




CLIL會針對單一主題進行足夠的教學,因此透過澄清、說明的過程新詞就會反覆地出現在課堂。Robinson (2005) 觀察學科的課堂上(CLIL),使老師使用新詞的次數,僅僅2分鐘內,就使用了17次的「 friction」。而Xanthou (2010) 在地理課的觀察中也發現,對於「tropical」在2分鐘內,也出現在了7次。


Xanthou (2010) 比較了三個組別(CLIL:以英語作為二語學習地理、非CLIL:以希臘語(母語)學習地理、詞彙清單:一般的英語課程),比較了參與課程(5次上課,每次40分鐘)前後、和組間的對於100個地理相關的內容詞彙翻譯(英語翻譯成希臘語)。課程前,三個組別的分數是沒有差異,但是課程後三個組別之間的分數就產生差異了。後測進步最大的CLIL組,而詞彙清單組在後測的分數還退步,非CLIL組的也是退步。對於詞彙的學習,在CLIL的成效確實優於非CLIL和詞彙清單。


Coady, J. (1996). L2 vocabulary acquistion: A synthesis of the research. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Martin, M. A., Martin, S. H. & Ying, W. (2002). The Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy in the ESL Classroom. TESOL Journal, 11(2), 34-35.
Mezynski, K. (1983). Issues concerning the acquisition of knowledge: Effects of vocabulary training on reading comprehension. Review of educational research, 53(2), 253-279.
Nation, I. (2013). Learning words from context. In (), Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I. S. (1990). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Heinle ELT.
Robinson, P. J. (2005). Teaching key vocabulary in geography and science classrooms: An analysis of teachers’ practice with particular reference to EAL pupils’ learning. Language and Education, 19(5), 428-445.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge University PRess.
Schmitt, N. & Schmitt, D. (1995). Vocabulary notebooks: Theoretical underpinnings and practical suggestions. ELT journal, 49(2), 133-143.
Stahl, S. (1983). Differential word knowledge and reading comprehension. Journal of Reading Behavior, 15(4), 33-50.
Stoller, F. & Grabe, W. (1993). Implications for L2 vocabulary acquisition and instruction from L1 vocabulary research. In (), Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning. Ablex.
Xanthou, M. (2010). Current trends in L2 vocabulary learning and instruction: Is CLIL the right approach. Advances in Research on Language Acquisition and Teaching: Selected Papers, Thessaloniki, Greece: Greek Applied Linguistics Association (GALA), , 459-471.


在Xanthou (2010) 回顧過往的研究中,其認為使詞彙知識能夠逐步增加的幾個要點:一、激發先前的知識;二、在脈絡下學習;三、對詞彙進行主動地加工、處理;四、多次、反覆的接觸。

學習新詞的時候,之所以要激發先前的知識的因為它以經是個連結綿密的資訊網,一但新的詞彙能夠整合到這個資訊網裡頭,只要有一點點連結,學習者就容易喚回詞彙。許多研究都支持這樣子的說法(Stahl, 1983; Stoller & Grabe, 1993; Martin,Martin & Ying, 2002),Schmitt and Schmitt (1995) 也將這個作為設計詞彙班時應該強調的原則。

在脈絡下學習詞彙的目的則是因為這促進學習者更容易全面理解一個詞(Nation, 2013)。當學習者在有意義,且容易理解的語言環境下,更容易使學習者掌握詞彙的知識(Coady, 1996)。

當學習者在脈絡下運用新詞的時候,「學習過程」(process of learning)就會啟動(Mezynski, 1983)。

Nation (1990) 從許多研究的結果中歸納,能夠學習新詞的接觸次數範圍在5到16次之間。第一次接觸到新詞的時候,可能是聽到這個語音,可能會記得它有幾個音節。接著,可能在課本上看到它怎麼寫,就會記得它由哪些字母組成。再更多次數的接觸後,屬於這個詞彙的形式、意義就會慢慢被鞏固起來(Schmitt, 2000)。



Coady, J. (1996). L2 vocabulary acquistion: A synthesis of the research. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Martin, M. A., Martin, S. H. & Ying, W. (2002). The Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy in the ESL Classroom. TESOL Journal, 11(2), 34-35.
Mezynski, K. (1983). Issues concerning the acquisition of knowledge: Effects of vocabulary training on reading comprehension. Review of educational research, 53(2), 253-279.
Nation, I. (2013). Learning words from context. In (), Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I. S. (1990). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Heinle ELT.
Robinson, P. J. (2005). Teaching key vocabulary in geography and science classrooms: An analysis of teachers’ practice with particular reference to EAL pupils’ learning. Language and Education, 19(5), 428-445.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge University PRess.
Schmitt, N. & Schmitt, D. (1995). Vocabulary notebooks: Theoretical underpinnings and practical suggestions. ELT journal, 49(2), 133-143.
Stahl, S. (1983). Differential word knowledge and reading comprehension. Journal of Reading Behavior, 15(4), 33-50.
Stoller, F. & Grabe, W. (1993). Implications for L2 vocabulary acquisition and instruction from L1 vocabulary research. In (), Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning. Ablex.
Xanthou, M. (2010). Current trends in L2 vocabulary learning and instruction: Is CLIL the right approach. Advances in Research on Language Acquisition and Teaching: Selected Papers, Thessaloniki, Greece: Greek Applied Linguistics Association (GALA), , 459-471.


Schmitt (2008) 認為刻意為之的詞彙學習(intentional learning)有三個原則:一、透過活動使學習者對於目標詞彙的參與程度最大化;二、透過重覆的出現使學習者對於目標詞彙的接觸最大化;三、考量詞彙不同面向的知識。

許多詞彙教學只儘於介紹詞彙的意義,這並不符合詞語學習是一個逐漸增加(incremental)的學習型態。Nation (2001) 認為可以透過四個取徑去平衡學習者在詞語不同面相的注意,它們分別是注重意義的輸入(meaning-focused input)、注重意義的輸出(meaning-focused output)、注重語言的學習(language-focused learning)以及流利度的發展(fluency development),四個取徑的比重應該是一樣。

注重意義的輸入和閱讀於聽力有很大的關係,其原則類似「非刻意的學習」(incidental learning)。

注重意義的輸出則和任務和活動有關,任務型教學法(task-based methodologies)可以滿足這樣的需求。


對於詞彙的能力,我們可以粗略地分為掌握(mastery)產出型(productive)的詞彙和接受型(receptive)的詞彙(Nation, 2001; 17) 。學習者的接受型的詞彙總是會大於產出型的詞彙。在5000頻次的詞表中,產出型(一語翻二語)的詞彙大概只有接受型(二語翻一語)的16%;而2000頻次的詞中則是35%(Laufer, 2005) 。另一個研究2000、3000和大學詞語表的則發現比例界於81%到53%,平均為69.2%(Fan, 2000)  。Laufer and Paribakht (1998)則發現以色列和加拿大的英語二語者是分別是77%和62%。這些數據告訴我們,掌握產出型的詞彙比掌握接受型的詞彙更不容易。要使學習者掌握產出型的詞彙,可以透過額外的訓練和作文要求(Lee & Muncie, 2006)。

而流利度的發展主要是學習者即時認讀或產生語言的發展。對於詞彙提取的速度越快,流利度就越高。這可以透過克漏字、翻譯、判斷合適度等方式提高速度(Snellings,Van Gelderen & De Glopper, 2002)。此外,十週的時間的自選分級讀本或課堂文章的閱讀也會使速度變快(Al-Homoud & Schmitt, 2009)。


Al-Homoud, F. & Schmitt, N. (2009). Extensive reading in a challenging environment: A comparison of extensive and intensive reading approaches in Saudi Arabia. Language Teaching Research, 13(4), 383-401.
Fan, M. (2000). How big is the gap and how to narrow it? An investigation into the active and passive vocabulary knowledge of L2 learners. RELC Journal, 31(2), 105-119.
Folse, K. (2010). Is explicit vocabulary focus the reading teacher’s job?. Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(1), 139.
Laufer, B. (2005). Focus on Form in Second Language Vocabulary Learning. In (), EUROSLA Yearbook (Vol. 5). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Laufer, B. & Paribakht, T. S. (1998). The relationship between passive and active vocabularies: Effects of languagelearning context. Language learning, 48(3), 365-391.
Lee, S. H. & Muncie, J. (2006). From receptive to productive: Improving ESL learners’ use of vocabulary in a postreading composition task. Tesol Quarterly, 40(2), 295-320.
Nation, I. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge University Press.
Rossiter, M. J., Abbott, M. L. & Kushnir, A. (2016). L2 Vocabulary Research and Instructional Practices: Where Are the Gaps?.. TESL-EJ, 20(1), n1.
Schmitt, N. (2008). Instructed second language vocabulary learning. Language teaching research, 12(3), 329-363.
Snellings, P., Van Gelderen, A. & De Glopper, K. (2002). Lexical retrieval: An aspect of fluent second–language production that can be enhanced. Language Learning, 52(4), 723-754.


目前,大眾所偏好的語言教學型式是以意義為基礎的學習(meaning-based learning),在這樣的型式下,學習者是學習「使用語言特徵」(using language features),而不是學習「語言特徵」(language features),只有在需要的時候以輔助的方式給予補充。這樣子的語言教學型式為學習者建立聽、說、讀、寫四個基本能力以及語法結構或許有所助益,但是對於詞彙的學習,可能需要有不一樣的取徑才能讓學習者將注意力轉移到詞彙本身。

Laufer (2005) 提出幾個我們之所以應該要重視詞彙教學的原因:一、學習者如果理解整體文章所要傳達的意義之後,就不再注意特定詞語的精確意思;二、從脈絡中去猜詞語的意思有時候不太可靠,尤其當學習者對於論述所使用的詞語有超過2%是不認識時;三、如果詞彙的意義很容易從脈絡中被猜出或理解的話,學習者不會有較多的投入,於是也就容易忘記;四、在一個新的論述中接觸新的詞彙後需要在很短的時間內再一次接觸才不會忘記。如果要透過閱讀,想要在一週內遇到10次同一個詞語的話,通常一週應該要閱讀1到2本分級讀本。這是一般的學習者不會這麼做。雖然,我們有理由好好重視詞彙教學,但是現況是第二語言教師對於詞彙教學的重視很少(Folse, 2010) 或者對於詞彙教學的認識和有證據的研究仍存在落差(Rossiter,Abbott & Kushnir, 2016) 。


Al-Homoud, F. & Schmitt, N. (2009). Extensive reading in a challenging environment: A comparison of extensive and intensive reading approaches in Saudi Arabia. Language Teaching Research, 13(4), 383-401.
Fan, M. (2000). How big is the gap and how to narrow it? An investigation into the active and passive vocabulary knowledge of L2 learners. RELC Journal, 31(2), 105-119.
Folse, K. (2010). Is explicit vocabulary focus the reading teacher’s job?. Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(1), 139.
Laufer, B. (2005). Focus on Form in Second Language Vocabulary Learning. In (), EUROSLA Yearbook (Vol. 5). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Laufer, B. & Paribakht, T. S. (1998). The relationship between passive and active vocabularies: Effects of languagelearning context. Language learning, 48(3), 365-391.
Lee, S. H. & Muncie, J. (2006). From receptive to productive: Improving ESL learners’ use of vocabulary in a postreading composition task. Tesol Quarterly, 40(2), 295-320.
Nation, I. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge University Press.
Rossiter, M. J., Abbott, M. L. & Kushnir, A. (2016). L2 Vocabulary Research and Instructional Practices: Where Are the Gaps?.. TESL-EJ, 20(1), n1.
Schmitt, N. (2008). Instructed second language vocabulary learning. Language teaching research, 12(3), 329-363.
Snellings, P., Van Gelderen, A. & De Glopper, K. (2002). Lexical retrieval: An aspect of fluent second–language production that can be enhanced. Language Learning, 52(4), 723-754.


Henriksen (1999) 認為詞彙的知識是從零開始,然後有部分的知識,最終到精熟。這意味著,學習詞彙並不是非有即無,而是一個連結的過程。目前沒有任何證據能夠說一個詞彙是如何經歷這樣的過程。Schmitt (2010) 認為一個詞彙的發展可能是這樣:初始階段(剛開始的幾次接觸),可能對於形式、意義和詞性有點認識;接著,形式、意義和詞性幾乎達到精熟後,詞語脈絡的知識(contextual word knowledge)也開始發展,但是仍不太熟練;最後,詞‭語脈絡的知識也都趨於完備,但是仍不到精熟,畢竟母語者也無法宣稱能夠精熟任何詞語的脈絡知識。

 這裡的形式、意義、詞性和脈絡知識是對應Nation (1990) 的幾個關於詞語的不同面相。形式包括口語和書面,而脈絡知識則包括搭配(collocation)、風格限制(register constraints)、頻率(frequency)和關聯(associations)。


Henriksen, B. (1999). Three dimensions of vocabulary development. Studies in second language acquisition, 21(2), 303-317.
Horst, M. & Meara, P. (1999). Test of a model for predicting second language lexical growth through reading. Canadian Modern Language Review, 56(2), 308-328.
Hulstijn, J. H. (1997). Mnemonic methods in foreign language vocabulary learning: Theoretical considerations and pedagogical implications. In (), Second language vocabulary acquisition: A rationale for pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.
Nagy, W. E. (1997). The role of context in first-and second-language vocabulary learning. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Ed.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition, and Pedagogy (pp. 64-83). Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I. S. (1990). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Heinle ELT.
Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. B. (1993). Reading comprehension and second language development in a comprehension-based ESL program. TESL Canada journal, 11(1), 09-29.
Pigada, M. & Schmitt, N. (2006). Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a foreign language, 18(1), 1.
Russell, P. (1979). The Brain Book. Rouledge and Kegan Pau.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge University PRess.
Schmitt, N. (2010). Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary. In (Ed.), Insights into non-native vocabulary teaching and learning (pp. 28-40). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.


課程中,老師透過循環讓詞語的學習更好;課程後,學習者必須透過複習再鞏固(consolidating)詞彙。從(Schmitt, 2000; 131) 的遺忘軌跡來看,在課程學習後馬上複習是最好的時間,然後隨著時間前進會隨著遺忘而留下的記憶會越來越少。 (Russell, 1979; 149) 建議在學習後的五到十分鐘、二十四小時、一個星期、一個月和六個月後進行複習,是一個可用來作為鞏固記憶、按表操課的時間。如此,遺忘的可能性會大幅地減低。

除了複習外,另一個方式就是將新的知識和舊有的知識連接在一塊兒。Hulstijn (1997) 的關鍵字方法就是如此。另外一個是將新的詞語和舊的語詞放在同一個組別(group)裡,由於舊的詞語已經穩固地在心裡了,所以會提供一個好像鉤子的東西,把新詞語鉤在一塊。雖然這樣分組有好處,但是如果同時將兩個新的詞語一起學習的話,有可能會造成混淆的連結(crossassociation)。


Henriksen, B. (1999). Three dimensions of vocabulary development. Studies in second language acquisition, 21(2), 303-317.
Horst, M. & Meara, P. (1999). Test of a model for predicting second language lexical growth through reading. Canadian Modern Language Review, 56(2), 308-328.
Hulstijn, J. H. (1997). Mnemonic methods in foreign language vocabulary learning: Theoretical considerations and pedagogical implications. In (), Second language vocabulary acquisition: A rationale for pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.
Nagy, W. E. (1997). The role of context in first-and second-language vocabulary learning. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Ed.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition, and Pedagogy (pp. 64-83). Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I. S. (1990). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Heinle ELT.
Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. B. (1993). Reading comprehension and second language development in a comprehension-based ESL program. TESL Canada journal, 11(1), 09-29.
Pigada, M. & Schmitt, N. (2006). Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a foreign language, 18(1), 1.
Russell, P. (1979). The Brain Book. Rouledge and Kegan Pau.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge University PRess.
Schmitt, N. (2010). Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary. In (Ed.), Insights into non-native vocabulary teaching and learning (pp. 28-40). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.


從過往的研究來看,研究者們認為能夠學會一個詞所需要的接觸次數在5次到16次之間(Nation, 1990) (Nation1990)。之所以存在5次到16次這麼大範圍的變異,Schmitt (2010) 認為和接觸時的方式以及學習者投入的程度有關。

如果第一語言閱讀的情況下,不經意地學習(incidental learning),能夠在一次接觸的情況下,掌握新詞詞義的機會界於5%到16%(nagy1997)(Nagy, 1997) 。而第二語言的情況下,雖然能夠說有學習的發生,但是都不太穩固(Paribakht & Wesche, 1993; Horst & Meara, 1999; Pigada & Schmitt, 2006) 。

如果是刻意地學習(intentional learning)時,學習的成果都比不經意地學習更好。儘管如此,學習的成果還是隨著時間衰退。但是,如果學習者投入的程度高的時候,例如透過hulstijn1997的關鍵字方法的話,即使只有一次的接觸,都可以產生在詞彙裡形式和意義的連結。

Schmitt (2010) 認為,學習詞語的過程是一個階段、一個階段的(incremental),所以在進行詞彙教學的時候,應該讓詞語循環地出現(recycling)。最簡單的方式是選擇依照循環原則出現詞語的教科書。然而,大多數的時候,老師是無法選擇教科書的,因此透過一些課堂活動,例如:詞彙遊戲、有意地回顧或把教過的字放在例句中,都是可以用來把重要的語言點標識出來的方式。


Henriksen, B. (1999). Three dimensions of vocabulary development. Studies in second language acquisition, 21(2), 303-317.
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Hulstijn, J. H. (1997). Mnemonic methods in foreign language vocabulary learning: Theoretical considerations and pedagogical implications. In (), Second language vocabulary acquisition: A rationale for pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.
Nagy, W. E. (1997). The role of context in first-and second-language vocabulary learning. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Ed.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition, and Pedagogy (pp. 64-83). Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I. S. (1990). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Heinle ELT.
Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. B. (1993). Reading comprehension and second language development in a comprehension-based ESL program. TESL Canada journal, 11(1), 09-29.
Pigada, M. & Schmitt, N. (2006). Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a foreign language, 18(1), 1.
Russell, P. (1979). The Brain Book. Rouledge and Kegan Pau.
Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge University PRess.
Schmitt, N. (2010). Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary. In (Ed.), Insights into non-native vocabulary teaching and learning (pp. 28-40). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.


人們的心理詞典(mental lexicon)是如何組織、如何運作的呢?我們馬上可以想出兩個可能的解釋因素:一、頻率。當我們進行詞彙聯想的時候,會從腦海裡跳出來的詞彙通常就會是我們常常遇到的詞彙。語料庫是最容易計算詞彙頻率的,但是語料庫卻無法預測人們詞彙聯想的結果。畢竟,詞彙聯想是相當個人的行為,不論對母語者或二語者來說都是如此。二、語言程度。如果說語言程度不會影響心理詞典那也很奇怪,程度低的可能連刺激詞彙都不認得,和程度好的相比,聯想的結果肯定會有差別。但是,我們在判斷二語者的語言程度時,是以一個典型的母語者的程度作為標準。當單一母語者產生的聯想詞彙是有別於一般母語者的話而如同二語者的話,那豈不是母語者的語言程度如同二語者了?過去也有研究指出,語言程度並不能作為解釋人們對於自由聯想產生變項的原因(例如:Den Dulk (1985) 和Kruse,Pankhurst and Smith (1987)  的研究)。


Wolter (2001) 提出了個別詞語知識深度(depth of individual word knowledge, DIWK)模型試圖描繪第一語言和第二語言的心理詞典的樣貌。


Wolter (2001) 的DIWK模型將詞語知識以同心圓的方式,由內而外分成五個程度:非常熟識的詞語、熟識的詞語、中等熟識的詞語、稍微熟識的詞語,以及圓外不認識的詞語。


Brown, R. & Berko, J. (1960). Word association and the acquisition of grammar. Child Development, , 1-14.
Den Dulk, J. (1985). Productive vocabulary and the word association test (Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from
Entwisle, D. R. (1966). Word associations of young children.. Johns Hopkins Press.
Ervin, S. M. (1961). Changes with age in the verbal determinants of word-association. The American journal of psychology, 74(3), 361-372.
Kruse, H., Pankhurst, J. & Smith, M. S. (1987). A multiple word association probe in second language acquisition research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 9(2), 141-154.
Palermo, D. S. (1971). Characteristics of word association responses obtained from children in grades one through four.. Developmental Psychology, 5(1), 118.
Piper, T. H. & Leicester, P. (1980). Word Association Behavior as an Indicator of English Language Proficiency.. , , .
Postman, L. (1970). The California norms: Association as a function of word frequency. In L. Postman & G. G. Keppel (Eds.), Norms of word association. Academic Press New York.
Söderman, T. (1993). Word associations of foreign language learners and native speakers: The phenomenon of a shift in response type and its relevance for lexical development. In (), Near-native proficiency in English. Abo Akademi Abo.
Stolz, W. S. & Tiffany, J. (1972). The production of “child-like” word associations by adults to unfamiliar adjectives. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11(1), 38-46.
Wolter, B. (2001). Comparing the L1 and L2 mental lexicon. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 23(1), 41-69.

詞語自由聯想測驗在母語者和二語學習者身上有什麼樣的異同 ?

對於受試者因應詞語聯想(word association)測驗的反應,研究者將它們分成三種類別:聚合類(paradigmatic)、組合類(syntagmatic)以及和詞語意義本身較沒有關係的類別(phonological, clang)。反應被歸在聚合類通常和刺激詞彙屬於同一個詞類,在給定的句子下,有相同的句法功能。聚合類的反應大概可以再分成四類:同級別(coordinates)、上屬級(superordinates)、下屬級(subordinates)以及同義級(synonyms)。以「狗」為刺激詞語為例,反應為「貓」,則是同級別;反應為「動物」,則是上屬級;反應為「柴犬」,則是下屬級;反應為「犬」,則是同義級。組合類則會是和刺激詞語常常共同出現的關係,同樣以「狗」為例,反應若為「吠」或「咬」,這樣的詞語,則是組合類。而因為聲音而聯想出來的反應,刺激詞語為「狗」,而反應出來的為「夠」那就會被視為是第三類。
由母語者參加詞語聯想測驗,比較不同年紀學童的反應類別數量,發現學童的年紀越大,產生聚合類別的反應比例越高,而第三類的反應也會隨著年紀增長而減少(Brown & Berko, 1960; Ervin, 1961; Entwisle, 1966; Palermo, 1971)。從組合類轉變成聚合類(syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift)被認為是詞彙或認知發展的一個里程碑。這樣的轉變被認為會發生在每個人身上,也會發生在每個詞語上(Wolter, 2001)。

Piper and Leicester (1980) 比較初階、進階的英語學習者和母語者的反應,發現在動詞和形容詞為刺激詞語時,母語者比二語學習者有更高比例的組合類反應。然而,在名詞為刺激詞語時,三組人員並沒有差異。
Söderman (1993) 進行了兩個研究。第一個研究比較四組不同熟練程度的英語二語學習者,同樣發現組合類的比例會隨著熟練程度更提高。第二個研究則同時以高頻詞語和低頻詞語對母語者和二語學習者進行測驗,結果發現在高頻詞語的反應中,第三類也就是無法歸類於聚合類或組合類的反應,母語者和二語學習者是沒有差別。

Stolz and Tiffany (1972) 發現,當要求大學生母語者對低頻詞進行詞語聯想時,其反應的類別也開始有無法歸類於聚合類和組合類的反應。
Postman (1970) 比較高頻和低頻的刺激詞語,發現越屬於低頻的詞語的,反應則越無法歸類,同時反應的種類也就越多元、分散。


Brown, R. & Berko, J. (1960). Word association and the acquisition of grammar. Child Development, , 1-14.
Den Dulk, J. (1985). Productive vocabulary and the word association test (Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from
Entwisle, D. R. (1966). Word associations of young children.. Johns Hopkins Press.
Ervin, S. M. (1961). Changes with age in the verbal determinants of word-association. The American journal of psychology, 74(3), 361-372.
Kruse, H., Pankhurst, J. & Smith, M. S. (1987). A multiple word association probe in second language acquisition research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 9(2), 141-154.
Palermo, D. S. (1971). Characteristics of word association responses obtained from children in grades one through four.. Developmental Psychology, 5(1), 118.
Piper, T. H. & Leicester, P. (1980). Word Association Behavior as an Indicator of English Language Proficiency.. , , .
Postman, L. (1970). The California norms: Association as a function of word frequency. In L. Postman & G. G. Keppel (Eds.), Norms of word association. Academic Press New York.
Söderman, T. (1993). Word associations of foreign language learners and native speakers: The phenomenon of a shift in response type and its relevance for lexical development. In (), Near-native proficiency in English. Abo Akademi Abo.
Stolz, W. S. & Tiffany, J. (1972). The production of “child-like” word associations by adults to unfamiliar adjectives. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11(1), 38-46.
Wolter, B. (2001). Comparing the L1 and L2 mental lexicon. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 23(1), 41-69.