這學期上《東南亞華人、社會與文化》,我們被要求閱讀Philip A. Kuhn寫的《Chinese among others: emigration in modern times》的大部分章節,如果你對該書有興趣,本文章最下方有試讀版。我將每一個被要求閱讀的章節寫了心得,依照原書的目錄順序,將每次閱讀心得和摘要的連結羅列如下:
Maritime Expansion and Chinese Migration
Early Colonial Empires and Chinese Migrant Communities
Imperialism and Mass Emigration
Communities in the Age of Mass Migration: I Southeast Asia
Communities in the Age of Mass Migration: II Exclusion from, and in, the Settler Societies
Revolution and “National Salvation”